During the HLTH conference many people asked if CareOps has a private community to discuss tools and practices to deliver high quality care.
We did not... And that's why we're partnering with Health Tech Nerds (HTN) to create a CareOps micro-community. The intention is to learn from, and soundboard with, each other on things like clinical efficiency, process improvements, standardization...
What we offer:
By joining, what are they committing to?
This is designed to build on many of the conversations CareOps has already had and the energy around creating smaller, private conversations where individuals can talk to peers about meaty topics.
We still have lots of questions about what specifically materializes from here, but wanted to start with getting an awesome group of folks together. Let us know if you’d be interested joining (you’ll be accompanied with leaders from SWORD, Cityblock, Color and more).
If you're interest in learning more, contact us via the form below:)